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1 Skip Intro  May 10, 2014 12:02:13pm
“Everybody, to include the United States Supreme Court, has been deceived as to one little word in the first amendment called ‘religion,’” he said. “They can’t define it.”

It’s just like that word “militia” in the Second Amendment. No one can define it either.

Oddly enough, in the Second Amendment “militia” has been expanded to include the widest possible definition, but in the First (according to Moore) “religion” has the narrowest.

2 HappyWarrior  May 10, 2014 1:35:30pm

Uh no Roy, they do. Now go away and be amazed that you were allowed to be on the Supreme Court of a state.

3 Decatur Deb  May 10, 2014 1:47:09pm

re: #2 HappyWarrior

Uh no Roy, they do. Now go away and be amazed that you were allowed to be on the Supreme Court of a state.

He is Chief of the Court, and he was elected twice—the second time after he was booted for the 10 Cammandments trick.

He has his fans:

Note: That’s a wonderful website on modern Southern life.

4 team_fukit  May 10, 2014 3:50:10pm
But since the natives of that place, who will be concerned in our plantation, are utterly strangers to Christianity, whose idolatry, ignorance, or mistake gives us no right to expel or use them ill; and those who remove from other parts to plant there will unavoidably be of different opinions concerning matters of religion, the liberty whereof they will expect to have allowed them, and it will not be reasonable for us, on this account, to keep them out, that civil peace may be maintained amidst diversity of opinions, and our agreement and compact with all men may be duly and faithfully observed; the violation whereof, upon what presence soever, cannot be without great offence to Almighty God, and great scandal to the true religion which we profess; and also that Jews, heathens, and other dissenters from the purity of Christian religion may not be scared and kept at a distance from it, but, by having an opportunity of acquainting themselves with the truth and reasonableness of its doctrines, and the peaceableness and inoffensiveness of its professors, may, by good usage and persuasion, and all those convincing methods of gentleness and meekness, suitable to the rules and design of the gospel, be won ever to embrace and unfeignedly receive the truth; therefore, any seven or more persons agreeing in any religion, shall constitute a church or profession, to which they shall give some name, to distinguish it from others.

This quote is Article 97 from the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina (1669), which was actually written by John Locke before he became famous as a philosopher, but the document was never ratified because South Carolina land owners preferred the land rights of the Royal Charter. But it illustrates a diversity in opinion even before the Founders, in the Carolinas before the Declaration, in theory any seven people together could call themselves a “religion” and religious toleration in the state allowed a Jewish community to form in Charleston by 1750. So if we’re going to be originalists about American religion why don’t we do it right?

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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